Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky


August 2024

Issue 54
Contact us at

132 supporting households with more than 330 members
including 21 Lifetime Household members
plus 12 Business members including 2 Lifetime Business Members
1,065 Facebook Group Members -- 532 Instagram Followers

Click here for accomplishments in last year and here for complete history


IDSC sign 1 IDSC sign 2

In March 2024, BCFNS members, Stefan Roesch and Laura Swinson, at their own expense, put a Blanco International Dark Sky Community (IDSC) sign on their property on Hwy 281 south of Blanco. As TxDOT will not allow an IDSC sign in their Right-of-Way, this sign was the only indication to passing traffic that Blanco is an IDSC.

Unfortunately, the very welcome but unseasonable Spring rains caused the bushes along the fence line to grow rapidly and obscure the sign. On August 24th and 25th, a BCFNS volunteer worked six hours in 90-degree heat to cut the bushes and haul away and dispose of the debris. Blanco's IDSC sign is again visible for all to see! Many thanks to that volunteer for your hard work; we truly appreciate it!



The Blanco County News and Johnson City Record Courier continue to inform their readers of the activities going on in Blanco County that support preservation of our beautiful night sky. In the last two weeks, the following articles appeared in both newspapers.

The first article reported the installation of the BCFNS Unihedron continuous read Sky Quality Meter (SQM) equipment that we told you about last month. After a minor equipment problem, the meter is functioning properly and the first batch of data was emailed to DarkSky Texas. Once we have proven the data reliable, we will also be sending it to the Globe At Night international network.


The second article showed our latest recipients of the BLANCO NIGHT SKY FRIENDLY BUSINESS Certificate of Merit. Program co-coordinator, Michael Green, presented Emily and Steve Becker, owners of the new Chess Club Steakhouse (which will open in early October) and Robert Gaitan, Manager of the Blanco Dairy Queen, with the recognition certificate.

Chess Club Steakhouse
Blanco DQ



Michael Green and Samuel Lartigue are some of many volunteers that make it possible for Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky to fulfill our mission. Without Michael's dedication to the Blanco Business Recognition Program, it would have been put on hold for almost 3 months while our co-cordinator Elizabeth Miller was out of town. Samuel's commitment is to maintain a string of SQM's across Blanco County.

So, as you can see there are all sorts of ways we could use your help...from manning information boothes to, yes, trimming bushes. We plan to start working on matching volunteers with available opportunities to assist. In the meantime, you can check out those opportunities by clicking on this link: Volunteers Needed

Perhaps you will see something on the list that you find interesting or maybe you have an idea for another way to assist. Please reach out to us to support the efforts of BCFNS by emailing us at



In last month’s newsletter incorrect dates were given for this event.
Our apologies!

The activities will begin on Friday evening September 27th and continue Saturday September 28th. BCFNS will have an information table set up on Saturday. Please stop by to visit with us and join in the fun activities planned at Twin Sisters Dance Hall. You will also have an opportunity to bid on many silent auction items including one donated by the BCFNS.(HINT, HINT – we could use several volunteers to do 2-hour shifts at this event.)

For more information go to: Twin Sisters Raise the Roof

Twin Sisters

Become a member


We have been successful with our Membership Sign Promotion! The more signs we can get out in the public, the more people we can reach with our message about “saving the stars”.

For those of you thinking of joining BCFNS or renewing your membership, we are offering a free one-year membership ($20) with the purchase of a sign ($35 tax included). A membership sign is the best publicity the night sky can have. Here’s the link: BCFNS Membership Signs

For more information on all our membership options click here: Membership Options


The next Board meeting will be at El Charro Restaurant in Johnson City on September 18th @ 9 am. Join us! If you would like to attend via Zoom, just let us know in advance at


We hope you enjoy our newsletter and we are always looking for ways to make it better and more enjoyable. To that end, we invite your suggestions, comments and ideas for articles. In fact, if you would like to write an article to be published in our newsletter, we will certainly consider including it. Please send them to:

Remember we are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Please consult your accountant or tax adviser for details regarding deductibility for your donation.