Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky


October 2020

Stat Report

Our little organization is growing! As of October 21st, we have 72 paid household memberships representing 123 individual members. We also have 5 businessbmemberships. Our very active Facebook Group has 345 members and last month had 285 of them active! Our website ( had an incredible 894 unique visitors in the last month. Something good appears to be going on here. That something is a growing awareness that the Hill Country’s night sky is a treasured asset to be preserved. If we all work together, we can do it!.

BCFNS Membership Sign Challenge


Of those 72 memberships, 34 have purchased membership signs. That’s great…but not great enough. Those membership signs are the best and most convincing form of advertising we have. When people see that their neighbors care about the night sky, they are more prone to do the same…and perhaps even correct their own aberrant outdoor lighting. So here's the deal — if you have put up a BCFNS membership sign on your property, we challenge you to take a picture of it and either post it to our Facebook page or send it to us at We'll compile the photos and make a big poster we can use at our information events.

Oh, you say you don't have a membership sign. Well, you can correct that by buying one on our website. The 12" x 18" metal are only $30 (our cost) and are reflective at night (when it's, you know, dark).

November Event with the International Dark-Sky Association

Under One Sky

We are excited to invite you to the 2020 International Dark-Sky Association Conference! This year’s virtual conference will allow the global dark-sky community to network safely and conveniently from home.

Join us on Friday, November 13, starting at 3:00 PM CST (21:00 UT, 1:00 PM PST)

The theme of the conference is Under One Sky. For 24-hours, you will hear from diverse speakers from a dozen countries. You will have the opportunity to talk with dark sky defenders worldwide. Together, we will have a global conversation about the environmental and cultural threat that light pollution poses to people worldwide, especially those whose voices are too often missing in the effort to protect the night.

Advanced registration is free. Please register today to reserve your place by clicking on the link below: